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Conversations in Depth: A QRCA Views Podcast

Jun 18, 2019

In 2014 Barbara Rugen was a recently retired QRCA member. She and her husband joined the Peace Corps and were sent for two years to the African country of Namibia. As she now observers, “Never once did I think I would be called upon to use my qualitative background. To my surprise, I found that my skills could make a significant difference there.”

She primarily worked with the Nama, a population of marginalized communities within Namibia. There were a small number of Nama in positions of influence who wanted to uplift their people but were unsure how to do so. Barbara was able to provide assistance through qualitative sessions which explored Nama attitudes and behavior. The research provided insights to help these leaders frame recommendations for Nama capacity building and develop an action plan.

In this podcast we discuss the findings from these interesting explorations and what Barbara learned about conducting qualitative research for the capacity building of marginalized populations.

While you’re on the podcast site, be sure to check out the archives for discussions with interesting folks and a variety of topics from Co-creation to becoming a Master Moderator.